Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Orana Park

On Thursday the 22 of April Rooms 1,2,3 and 4 went to Orana Park. It was a beautiful day, it was hot and sunny, without a drop of wind.

We went on the bus. It was fun on the bus.

The teachers from the Zoo School met us. Their names were Toby, Carole and Ann.

In the morning we saw lots of native animals. We saw keas, kiwis, morepork owls, tui, blue duck, skinks, gekos, and fish.

The teachers showed us how big a kiwi egg is. We were amazed!

We didn’t get to see a moa because they are extinct (all gone), but we got to see a moa bone.

We stopped and had lunch together.

In the afternoon we got to see exotic animals. We saw rainbow trout, cheetahs, spider monkeys, lions, tigers, lemurs, giraffes, zebras, rhinos, waterbucks and water buffalos, cows, sheep, pigs, otters, pocupines, donkey, ponies, and Ilamas.

The lions were laying down enjoying the sun. The lion’s mane was like a mass of scruffy hair. They had razor sharp claws and huge feet. We called them Lazy Lions.

The giraffes were reaching up as high as 5 tall men to eat leaves from the trees.

We all had a fantastic day at Orana Park. We all had fun and we learnt lots.

Written by

Room 3.

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