Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Three Little Pigs!

Today we finished writing our Three Little Pigs stories. We had to re-write the story into our own words and change the ending! Devan and Xanita would like to share their stories with you....

Once upon a time...there were Three Little Pigs and they got too big so they went to build their own homes. The Big Bad Wolf heard and he had an ideas. He wanted to become friends with The Three Little Pigs, so they were all nice to each other. One day, the wolf ate one of the pigs and the two pigs got angry at the wolf. He ran away and that was the end of The Big Bad Wolf! The End!
By Xanita

Once upon a time...there were Three Little Pigs. The first pig built his home out of straw and The Big Bad Wolf blew it down! The second pig built his home out of sticks and the wolf blew it down! Then, the third pig build his house out of bricks and the wolf got in. The pigs got ready to blow him up and that was the end of that! The End!
By Devan

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