Monday, July 16, 2012

Welcome Back!

Kia Ora Parents and Whanau, 
Welcome back to another exciting term ahead in Room 3. We hope you all had a nice relaxing break. This term is going to be another busy term so remember to check our class blog and school newsletters for upcoming events and important dates to take note of. Our class blog can be accessed via our school website. ( Click onto the ‘Ako’ link and it will take you to our class blog. You can also access other class blogs from our blog too by clicking on the class link.
This term we have both changed our hours just slightly with Melissa taking on Claire’s Tuesday afternoon. Our timetable will be as follows:
-All day Monday, Tuesday. Wednesdays and Thursdays until lunchtime.
-Wednesday/Thursday afternoons, & all day Friday.
Thank-you for your support and understanding.
Reading: Please remind your child to read each night at home and sign the ‘reading log’. Reading logs will be checked each day in class. Your child may bring home a new book that has been taught in the guided reading group or it might be familiar favourite book of their own choice from their individual browsing box.
Spelling: We are progressing through our spelling turtles. Please remember to take some time each week to learn the words and bring the spelling book for testing at the end of the week. The children also have opportunities each day to work on phonics and spelling skills.
Library: Library day for Room 3 is Friday. Children will be able to take two books home each week. Please remember to bring library books back Friday mornings and pop them into the library books box in the classroom. 
Basic Facts: We have been working on improving our basic facts recall each day in class. (adding and subtracting up to ten). Please encourage your child to have a go at practising them at home. The children are really enjoying progressing through the ‘basic facts bricks’ and we’re really noticing improvement all round.
Stationery: We are running through our glue sticks, pens and whiteboard markers very quickly. We have attached a Room 3 stationery list to this notice, so if you could please purchase these items over the next week that would be much appreciated.
Have a great term!
Melissa Upperton & Claire Mouat
Room 3 Class Teachers

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