Monday, September 13, 2010

Captions for our Drawings - Earthquake

This is my house and I just wanted Ms Keenan to know what happened. I hope the school is safe. I know what to do if an earthquake happens at school.


Me and my brothers’ colouring table fell down and broke. Our TV fell down and my computer fell down.


My house wobbled in the earthquake, two things broke. Jade’s photo and one of Mum’s favourite things broke. We stayed at Lisa’s house for a sleep-over. Heaps of things fell down in her house.

Te Ao

In the city the broken buildings are being taken down. The diggers took down the building. It is sad but new buildings will be built there.


My Mum tidied up all the things the earthquake. It took her a long time. Lots of things fell down.


Everything fell out of the pantry. Some things fell out of the fridge when the door came open. Puppy was so scared she had lots of accidents. Our TV fell and is broken.


This is our family’s cabinet; it has all our special things in it. They fell off. Some things broke.


My glass candle broke. I was in bed when the earthquake happened. The TV almost fell down. Mummy and daddy cuddled me. I slept with them until I got use to all the earthquakes. I am brave now. It is fun, like a big roller coaster.

Yesterday dad shook the table, we thought it was an earthquake. We all laughed.


When the earthquake happened my window broke. There was glass everywhere.


When the earthquake was on my playstation fell on the floor. My transformer fell on the floor and my gorilla fell on the floor too.


Some glass fell on the floor and smashed all over the kitchen. It was very scary when the earthquake happened. I’m pretty lucky because nothing much got broken.


Our sleep out bent, the roof looks like a slide now. We had lots of stuff broken in the earthquakes. The tiles are cracked outside.


My roof has got a crack and there is a crack on the ground.


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